Friday, February 3, 2012

The amazing product that is Poo~Pourri

So, you know when you gotta go, and you don't want anyone to know that you just went, but there's just an awful spray to "freshen" the air with rather than something to eliminate the smell?  We all know that those sprays don't work.  The poo just ends up smelling like itself, but with geraniums growing out of it.  Enter, Poo~Pourri!  They are truly amazing products.  They are biodegradable so, our delicate environment won't be harmed, and they literally eliminate any undesirable odors.  They are also made in the USA!  With names like "Deja Poo", "Crap Shooter", "Heavy Doody", and "No. 2", you and your fellow powder room patrons are sure to have a laugh as well as garner great results.  All you need to do is shake the bottle, give the surface of the toilet water 4-6 sprays, and proceed to do your thing!  Come by and pick a bottle up today - it is truly amazing stuff  :)

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